Different Types of Early Orthodontic Treatment

In True Image Orthodontics by trueimage

True Image Orthodontics is ecstatic to be part of the Cypress, TX community and is dedicated to providing the community with the best quality orthodontic care in a friendly and professional atmosphere.

As parents and guardians of children, their health is always on our minds. We remember to make sure they eat well, get enough sleep, exercise and play, and pay close attention in school. We also remember to make sure they brush their teeth twice a day. However, that’s not all we have to do to make sure our children’s mouths are healthy. By the age of seven, a child should see an orthodontist.

Early orthodontic treatment varies among patients. It can be anything from removable or fixed appliances that can make room for crowded teeth or preserve space for unerupted teeth. It can create facial symmetry by manipulating jaw growth. It can reduce the possibility of needing tooth extraction. It can also reduce overall treatment time in braces. These problems are fixed early on because a young child’s permanent teeth had not yet finished erupting, allowing us to address any impending problems at an early age and at their earlier stage.

  • Take a look at our website to learn more about the treatment options available for you.
  • If you are in need of orthodontic care but not sure what’s right for you, contact our office.

Call us today to set up your orthodontic appointment with Dr. Dave! You can reach us at 281-225-6784 or visit us online at: www.trueimageortho.com